Vasilios Theodorakis – An Online Author is a digital repository of all my written work (in text and podcast formats)…

October 31, 2007

Site Update

Filed under: General — Vasilios Theodorakis @ 6:00 pm

After talking to a number of people, and after experiencing my own “cringe” associated with this early work, I’ve decided to mix in a more recent piece with each week’s postings.

Though this early writing is a genuine reflection of where I was at during the 1980’s, its not much of a reflection of what I write today. As a result, I ask that readers grimace and ‘bare with me’ as I get this early material online. I hope that the anthologies which follow “Growing Up” are more to people’s liking.

I’ve also realised that some pieces are primarily thoughts – diary entries on scraps of paper which don’t have any poetic form at all. I’ve decided that instead of trying to incorporate these pieces as poetry, I’ll upload the material to the prose section instead i.e. ensuring that the work is still documented and available, but not being passed off as poetry.

All pieces from this week’s selection are still part of the “Growing Up” anthology – the splice of “Growing Up” and more recent work will begin in a few weeks time week.

The interesting thing about this week’s work is that it includes poems with various forms of rhyme. Rhyme was a technique that I dabbled in before developing my own style. Rhyming schemes haven’t been used in the bulk of my writing, as I felt they set up to many restraints for what I wanted to say and how I wanted to say it.

Again I’ve run out of time in regards to the audio versions – I will endeavor to get back to making recordings as soon as possible.

The poems for this week include:
A Thought Of Peace.
A Father’s Stand…
The Loss Of Love?

Cheers – Vasilios Theodorakis – October 2007

October 24, 2007

Site Update

Filed under: General — Vasilios Theodorakis @ 6:00 pm

This week’s selection comes from 1983 – i.e. the “Growing Up” anthology.

It includes:
The Universe – Force

My voice is almost back to normal, so I should be able to add audio versions for all subsequent postings. I’ll also endeavour to add an audio component to the last three week’s worth of material. This may take about a month to complete.

Cheers – Vasilios Theodorakis – October 2007

October 17, 2007

Site Update

Filed under: General — Vasilios Theodorakis @ 6:00 pm

The next few weeks of poetry come from a long ago era, written by a still healthy, bright eyed, naive youth who was all of 16 years of age. Bands like “Huey Lewis & The News” were big around that time, hairstyles were even bigger and Commodore Computers were all the rage. I barely recall this 16 year old’s life, and were it not for a couple of photos and these pieces of writing, all records of that person would have been lost close to a quarter of a century ago.

Ironically, many of the hopes this adolescent wrote about – like not wanting to be a wage slave, did become my reality. (Not through choice mind you, but through circumstance – as a result, I have this to say to any young people out there – ‘be careful what you wish for, it may just come to pass!’) Because the ‘lad’s’ writing is so distant from what I do today, I’ve tried to keep the editing of these pieces to a minimum. In many ways, these poems have a greater (personal) historical significance than any poetic value – i.e. they track/highlight how my writing style developed. This first anthology was collated from 1983 through to 1990 and titled – “Growing Up”. It contains more than 50 pieces in total.

This week’s selection comes from 1983 and includes:
Emptiness Within
The Circle

I’ve also scanned some art work from this same era. The first image is of calligraphy I had created for the folder that housed all the poems (in this anthology). The second image is of a drawing I was going to use for the cover of the anthology i.e. if it ever got published. As I don’t intend to use this image, when I finally self publish this material, I thought it might be of some interest to web readers.

Unfortunately, my voice is still not 100%, so these poems will also have to wait for their audio to be added at a later date.

Finally, please keep in mind, that it wasn’t until 1987 that I started to add exact dates to pieces. As a result, poems from 1983 to 1986 are arranged in the order in which they were written and within the year in which they were written, but the actual date that they appear on this site is only an estimate.

Cheers – Vasilios Theodorakis – October 2007

October 10, 2007

Site Update

Filed under: General — Vasilios Theodorakis @ 6:00 pm

The poems for this week are quite recent – written in 2004, 2005 and 2007. Unfortunately I’ve come down with a bout of laryngitis, so the audio versions of these pieces will have to wait for a later date. This posting concludes the ungrouped material which I’ve used to kick start the site. As of next week, I’ll be going back to the beginning and uploading poems in the order in which they were written. I’ll be starting with work from 1983 i.e. the “Growing Up” anthology.

In the meantime, this week’s selection includes:
A Neighbour Weeding
Out Of Mind
Cleo The Cat

In addition to this I’ve finally added the about the author page to give readers some idea of who they’re dealing with here. :)

Cheers – Vasilios Theodorakis – October 2007

October 3, 2007

Site Update

Filed under: General — Vasilios Theodorakis @ 4:30 pm

All poems this week come from 1992 and focus on societal issues from that time. The interesting thing about their subject matter is that even after 15 years, Australia (as a society) is still struggling with the problems these poems describe.

The selection includes:
Casting Off The Handed Down Toxin.
Chaos In Sterility – The Western World…
The Youth Wage.

In addition to this I’ve also updated the poetry index page, so that readers can view a complete list of poems at a glance. As of this week the site holds 21 pieces of verse in text and audio formats.

Cheers – Vasilios Theodorakis – October 2007

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