As highlighted on the 26th September 2007 – I need to stay realistic and accept what is working and avoid things that aren’t working. i.e. I need to fine-tune the format being using to get this material (poetry) online, otherwise I risk abandoning the process altogether.
Lets review what has worked so far and what hasn’t…
What Has Worked:
– three poems a week.
– poems in the order in which they were written.
What Has Not Worked:
– not uploading any recent poems.
– audio recordings which are taking far too long to generate.
– discovering mistakes in poems that have already had their audio and text uploaded to the site.
Because of the above issues, my weekly upload will now be based on the following:
– editing and uploading the next three poems in the order in which they were written.
– uploading a more recent poem each week.
– not carrying out any audio recordings until I’m certain a poem has reached a static (and correct) form.
– adding an audio version (MP3) and a printable version (PDF) to a poem’s posting once I know a poem is stable.
What does this mean for visitors? Audio recordings will be added independent of text uploads (and only when I’m certain that I haven’t missed any editorial corrections). The number of poem uploads will increase to four per week i.e. three older poems and one recent poem.
This week will be the last of the three poem per week format. I’d like to thank the site’s many visitors for their patience while I continue to iron out “how to proceed” in populating the site with its content. :)
The poems for this week include:
– Poverty
– Friend
– Budgerigar
Cheers – Vasilios Theodorakis – November 2007