Vasilios Theodorakis – An Online Author is a digital repository of all my written work (in text and podcast formats)…

November 27, 2009

Site Update 047

Filed under: General — Vasilios Theodorakis @ 2:20 pm

There’s a poem that I wrote at the start of 1990 which was made up of three parts. Each part captured a different feeling I experienced while witnessing the incompetence of my parents in regards to their handling of the harsher aspects of life.

The overall poem is called Three Parts, even though each section has its own title. In order to highlight each piece, I’m releasing the components as separate posts. The poem includes Three Parts – Responsibilities, Three Parts – House, and Three Parts – Daisy.

This week’s component is therefore: Three Parts – Responsibilities. Its exact date of writing in January of 1990 is unknown. I’ve therefore estimated it as 06 January in order to accurately display its chronological order in relation to the other poems. The poem talks about how a dreamer was forced to “grow up” !

Cheers – Vasilios Theodorakis – November 2009

November 22, 2009


Filed under: Ungrouped — Vasilios Theodorakis @ 10:20 am

Soon enough, we too will die
And finally meet up
With the ones who await us,
Joining them on freedom’s perch
Which juts out over the river of new life.
Sitting tall with a glimmer
Of insight in their eyes,
Our loved ones will appear and beckon
And eagerness will follow faithfully,
As together we are ushered
Into the transfigured universe,
Prepared in the absence of time’s sadness.
It is there that “death tramples death”,
And eternity takes on form
Embracing us with the smile of friendship
Clasped firmly between beaks,
And drawn forward by His Compassion
Which surrounds us in the uncreated light of tomorrow.

Dedication (For my feathered friend Bert who continues to mourn Molly, his head preener and companion.)
Audio Version (To Be Added)
Copyright © Vasilios Theodorakis 2009

November 6, 2009

Blog Break

Filed under: General — Vasilios Theodorakis @ 8:35 pm

Unfortunately, I’m having to take an unscheduled break from posting material to this blog. My “normal’ work is getting a bit out of control and I need to get it back under control before things get any more crazy.

When I start up again, I’ll be resuming and completing the upload of my first anthology i.e. – “Growing Up”, which was written between 1983 and 1990.

My next scheduled posting should be a poem that appears here on Friday 27th November 2009 – if not beforehand.

Till then…

Cheers – Vasilios Theodorakis – November 2009

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