Vasilios Theodorakis – An Online Author is a digital repository of all my written work (in text and podcast formats)…

November 25, 2011

What Happened To 2011?

Filed under: General — Vasilios Theodorakis @ 4:32 pm

One begins endeavours like with such high hopes, and maybe that’s what leads to their undoing. Lowering one’s expectations and factoring in physical limitations may not be such a bad thing for someone like me.

Looking at the date of my last post, its obvious that something went wrong, but let’s not dwell on the past and notions of morbidity. Let’s just accept, that 2011 was not one of my better years, and that I need to aim for a more realistic posting regime.

One creative process that has worked against me is my preference for pencil and paper (notebook) over word-processor. All my ideas and first drafts come to me in this analogue format. In fact I have a notebook full of social commentaries that were written after the last blog entry but never typed up and uploaded.

So here’s hoping that I find a way to convert my hand written material into digital text in a more systematic way. Let’s just say – “Good Day and Good Riddance”! to 2011 and “Hello and Let’s Begin”! to 2012. ;)

Cheers – Vasilios Theodorakis – November 2011

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