Vasilios Theodorakis – An Online Author is a digital repository of all my written work (in text and podcast formats)…

The Material

Why bother releasing this material after 24 years of silence? Why bother indeed? I could continue to write and store my material in boxes, draws and cupboards – its very true, but I’m finding the need to create a legacy is becoming more important – the older I get. So do I leave behind all this illegible material for my wife to sift through (when I’m gone), or do I clear it away so she isn’t burdened by this body of work? And a body of work it has become – a life times worth, whether good or bad – it has been my passion and what I’ve labored over (much to the puzzlement of others).

Many things have changed during my life. There has been little that has remained constant. But my poetry, writing and trinitarian theology (Orthodox Christianity) has not faultered since I was 16 years old. All these aspects of my life have progressively woven themselves together and are now slowly appearing on this website.

So this is my legacy. Not a career, not some public service and not a physical creation – just words, thoughts and emotions, imaginings and dreamings, and especially stories – laid down on scraps of paper.

The reason I’m releasing this material then, is to not only remove a long term burden from my wife, but to also make my endeavours accessible (24/7) to anyone who finds the work interesting or useful. If reading it, proves to be half as enjoyable to others, as writing it, was enjoyable to me – then salvaging the prose and poetry from old archive boxes has been worthwhile.

So feel free to have look around and explore my 24 years of transcribed scribbles. Take a mental snapshot (if you will) of what I have sculpted in time, pull up your favourite comfy chair and experience my fragile, already crumbling edifice before it all goes the way of Percy Shelley’s ‘Ozymandias’ (1817).

Cheers – Vasilios Theodorakis – August 2007

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