Site Update
Seasons Greetings to all. This will be my last site update until next year – so please feel free to revisit some of the year’s material via the poetry index. I’ll resume my editing and uploading of verse (drawn from the last 24 years) as of Friday 11th January 2008. It’s been a long year and I’ll be taking some annual leave (for a change) – I need to unplug from the Net and step away from the Computer for a few weeks. :)
Before I do however, I’d like to thank the site’s many readers for their feedback and support from (across the globe). Its been very rewarding to discover that material which was stored away in archive boxes (and forgotten) for so many years is of some use and enjoyment to people out there on the Net.
This last set of poems, rounds up the year’s uploads to 52 – a good start I think, but there’s a lot more material to get through in the next few years.
The poems for this week include:
– Learning
– Human Within Humanity
– Once Upon A…
From the “Growing Up” anthology
– Curvature
From a series of ungrouped poems written in 2001.
All things going well, I look forward to resuming my verse uploads in January 2008. Until then, keep safe and have a wonderful holiday/religious period.
Cheers – Vasilios Theodorakis – December 2007