Let us not think
Too hard
Or too long,
And it may yet
Come to pass,
That our
Arrogance and Ignorance,
Will be forgiven
By the seventy percentiles,
Who lack and die
Each and every day.
But I fear
Its more likely,
That the sandpits
Of the mind
Will burn the fury
Of their eyes,
Into their hands,
And cause them
To gouge out
The sight
Of the First.
And now,
As countless innocents
Within the distinctness
Of the Mind.
Impotent leaders
Dance political jigs,
Poking out tongues
While taunting the harmful,
Who’d happily scrape
More sanctity, off the lives, of those who remain.
Dedication (In Memory Of The World Trade Center Tragedy)
Audio Version (Podcast – MP3 / 55sec / 433kb)
Copyright © Vasilios Theodorakis 2001