Human Within Humanity
He was but a sigh
Pushed past by the frenzied wind.
He was but a flicker
In the passing of incandescent light.
But his transient presence,
Served a purpose
Touching many souls
And sowing the seeds of self worth.
Much pain was suffered,
At no one’s expense.
Much was lost
Without them knowing.
No reward was ever given,
Or recognition bestowed.
No thanks, no handshakes
Or smiles of reflection.
He could have complained,
But never did.
He passed through life’s contracted seasons,
Ending in the sunset of a perfect summer.
Too simple a story for us today,
But simplicity, is still the strength of the world.
It powers life… powers purpose…
Powers the duality which is everlasting in the face of adversity.
Dedication (For A.B.Robertson at K.S.H.S.)
Audio Version (To Be Added)
Copyright © Vasilios Theodorakis 1987
(2nd poem written in 1986 – exact date of writing unknown)